Sunday, August 02, 2009

Wilderness and the Healed to become Healer

I was in California with mom and our "family" (who I didn't know) and we were camping out in the woods for some reason (looked like the campground from Maui). Mom was making some food in a fire, and I noticed that there were three tents to house all of us. It was very roomy. I marveled at the fact that we were camping, and wondered why we had decided to do that.

Then I was at D's and my old apartment. I was helping get the closet room ready for the party, and Bruce from work was helping me. We started arranging folding chairs against the walls, and I noticed a piano, not the steinway, was in the room. F, D's dad, told me that the steinway was given away, but they kept the other piano. I didn't remember there being another piano.

I started looking my Zipp 202s, which I had left at the house, and in a corner instead I found some other things, mostly gloves, pillow cases, scarves. Then I went into the office room and in the corner were a bunch of wheels clustered together. They included some crappy wheels plus some extremely nice wheels, recent model 303s, that were clumped in there. I was pretty excited to find those and started digging them out. Then D came out and started being an annoying, whiny bastard, and I remember being irritated with him. Stefan, D's friend, was there, watching the conflict from behind D, but choosing not comment or involve himself.

Then later S came up to me with a pretty girl friend of his, while I was dealing with the wheels. He said that she wanted to know if she should see a doctor about her face, which was numb along the jawline. I said that she should go see a doctor about it, and stated a few things it might be. And then she tried to get me to give her real medical advice so she wouldn't have to see a doctor. I said that I couldn't help her because I didn't know the answer and that she should go to a doctor. I was not a doctor in the dream, but somehow she felt that I could still help her.
I've been thinking about forgiveness for both mom and D. Not sure what camping dream is about; maybe it's that mom's and my relationship is in the wilderness now, living in an unfamiliar setting because I am now deciding to not talk to her often and figure out the best way to handle her toxic ways.

The apartment is D's and my relationship. The "other" piano represents the new girl, while the steinway that was given away, represents me. Bruce and the party is my getting ready to make sense of the relationship; however there is still some unfinished business, like my getting my stuff out. However there are some undiscovered gems or lessons, represented by the unexpected Zipp 303 find, as well as still painful memories, with D yelling and S observing it all. (D gossiped meanly about me to all of his friends. That hurt.) The girl wanting my medical advice is just a likely result of the relationship--people needing me to become a healer, as I will become a good one through my making sense of my own emotions.

I had met a new boy on my bike ride yesterday too. Probably won't lead anywhere, but definitely generated some feelings.

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