Monday, December 30, 2002

someone sent me a bunch of links to some famous blogs, like i had no idea that my dear favorite,, was so intimately linked to this community, but it makes sense.
i am so annoyed with the first conversation i wrote about, with steve. will work out the illogical kinks and re-post.
where i am: work
my energy: tired but relaxed
my plans: actually doing some work, and nysc training later. have to get to that diversity manual. ALSO, need to call the post office and go to small claims court to file against the agency that cashed my check to the thief. too much to do. have to move this week too- ARRRGH!
last web site remembered: and the post article.
fun things today: crunching on my guiltless gourmet chips and my co-worker laughing at how loud my crunches were-made her hungry!
annoyed by: the fact that this country is fucked- reading zinn and chomsky. need to get some perspective, do some research, not get too depressed about the state of the world. afraid that chomsky may be right about the powers that be, that they would like this country to be like the third world, where they have all the wealth and the rest of us have nothing.
last inspired by: conversation w/h, about how our different talents. he's a "brancher," i'm a "constructor"
last interesting convo: see above, to be detailed later
a worry, and solution: i suck at my job and i'm going to get fired? / just keep truckin'

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