Tuesday, July 07, 2009

2 other dreams from the weekend.

1. C, an older premed friend who overcame a lot, had a party. He was being hounded by journalists, even helicopters. I asked him why. He said it may have to do with the fact he edited the stanford newspaper.
We were then in a basement, and he was having us all write an exercise. He told us to write down the question, and then we would write down the answer. The questions was, what activity do you do that inspires you? I asked him to repeat the question. Then I was going to write about triathlon, but decided to write about writing instead. I wrote: "Writing inspires me because it helps me sort out my thoughts." Then I began to elaborate. The others were still confused about the question itself and were still trying to write it down.

2. I was in a triathlon, which had a big party before it. L, my coworker and now boss, was in the race too. Right before the run, I sat down to read a book, very contemplatively, and got caught up in it so that I nearly forgot I was in a race. When I realized it, I began to run, with the book. I reached the finish line, and L came up right after me. She said, "You are so nice this time!" I honestly felt that I had been the same. She was just interpreting my behavior differently.
C is basically me, and what I want to achieve. What do I want? To perfect something. To be extremely good at something. But what I also want to do is to help people learn about and transform themselves through hearing about my experiences. That is my goal. It is what I'm good at doing.

I have learned a lot from triathlon. The most valuable thing? To slow down, and think. To not push all my activity to a rigid goal, but to be aware of the situation and be flexible; I will still reach my goal. That's what's different about how I am approaching medicine this time. Among other things, it has helped L to feel happier and less threatened by me, but it has already begun to improve my relationships in general. I had decided this weekend to make relationships a priority above everything else.

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