Sunday, July 11, 2004

a love story

EXCLUSIVE: Truth about 55-hour marriage
Britney was my sex-mad bride
By Jane Atkinson and Carole Aye Maung

BRITNEY SPEARS bedded her childhood sweetheart "like an animal", then wrecked his life with a 55-hour marriage that stunned the world. Now, in a world exclusive interview, husband Jason Alexander details every moment of the sex, the proposal, their Vegas wedding and his humiliation as furious family and lawyers prised them apart.

"We made love in her bed, her shower and her bath," said Jason, 22. "She asked me to marry her but when her lawyers demanded I end our marriage she didn't stop them—and it caused chaos in my life."

Jason revealed that Britney proposed to him as she lay naked in his arms. And she was so excited when he said "Yes", she rushed him down the aisle without stopping to put her knickers on. As he opened his heart, Jason also told how multi-millionairess Britney:

MADE LOVE to him so frantically that they fell off the bed.
PLAYED erotic sex games with him under a shower, but
SHUFFLED silent and shamefaced as her marriage was ended, and later,
CHANGED her mobile phone number so he couldn't even talk to her.
"I didn't tell the world about this before because I still hoped we'd get back together," said Jason. "But I now realise she won't come back to me."

Britney, also 22, is now planning to marry new fiance Keith Federline, 26, after he left his heavily-pregnant partner Shar Jackson.


But Jason, who grew up with Britney in Kentwood, Louisiana, knows no marriage will be as bizarre as the one he went through. Taking up the story of the days before their wedding last January, he recalled:

"Even though she'd made it big, she still came back to Kentwood. We'd kissed but that's as far as it had gone.
"Then, last Christmas Eve she came up to my place and asked if I wanted to go to Las Vegas for the New Year with some of her friends. I said yes."

Once in Vegas, Britney paid for them all to stay in the MTV-themed Real World suite at the Palms Casino Hotel.

"We all went out to a lobster dinner and Britney looked sensational in jeans and a black halter-neck top," he said.

It was 4am by the time they went back to their hotel suite and made love for the first time.

"We knew what was going to happen," he said. "Britney started stripping off her clothes as she walked into the suite. Then we started kissing.
"She got down to just her black thong and a see-through lace bra. I've never seen a woman look more stunning.


"I wanted to make love to her and she wasn't shy in showing what she wanted. We started off in the bedroom kissing. She was good at that—she was good at everything. She was an animal in bed.
"We were both hot so I led her into the bathroom. There was a huge shower head that sent water down on to us as though it was rain. We stripped off competely and got into the shower and Britney performed oral sex on me as the water ran down over both of us.
"Afterwards I led her back into the bedroom. At first she was on top of me and then I was on top. We did it every way you could. But it wasn't cheap. I really cared about her and it felt right.
"At times she was noisy. She didn't call me any names, she just moaned. We didn't use any precautions either."

After sex they fell asleep in each other's arms.

"I woke up and was really aroused again," said Jason. "Britney was asleep but when I tried it on with her she didn't hold back. She said she wanted to be with me and I told her I wanted to be with her.
"She said she wanted me to go with her on tour. I thought she was vulnerable and wanted to take care of her."

During the day, Britney and her friends went to the hotel spa while Jason chatted with her bodyguards.

"When she got back I was in the bath," he said. "She came in, stripped off and got into the tub with me. First we were scrubbing each other. Then she got on top of me and we had sex. She was a natural, with the most fantastic a*** I've ever felt. She was proud of her body and she often just wandered around with nothing on."

The following night it was off to Planet Hollywood for dinner.

He said: "Britney wanted to stay out and I wanted to go to bed, so she made me promise that if I made love to her all night we could go back to the room.
"The sex was mind-blowing and rough. We did it in every position you could think of. It was so wild we managed to fall off the bed together."

There was more sex the next night. "This time I remember she was wearing a beautiful purple and pink set of underwear," said Jason. "Afterwards, we were chatting in bed, cuddled up and naked, saying we didn't want the trip to end when she said, ‘I want to ask you something but I don't know how to'.

"I told her she could ask me anything. She acted really shy and said, ‘Will you marry me?'
"I said yes and she jumped out of bed, flung her jeans on and yelled, ‘Let's do it now'. She was ecstatic. She didn't even put her panties on in the rush as she slipped on her jeans. We ran downstairs and jumped into the hotel limo. I'll never forget saying, ‘Take us to the nearest chapel—we're getting married'."

What happened next—in the early hours of Saturday, January 3—left her millions of fans agog.

"The first chapel open was The Little White Chapel," added Jason. "We were kissing and holding hands. We knew we were doing the right thing.
"When we got there they said we needed a marriage licence so we had to go to a court house that was open 24 hours.
"As we walked in a couple pointed at Britney and said, ‘You look just like that girl off the TV that sings'. I turned round and said, ‘Do you really think that chick would marry a man like me?'
"Britney and I giggled our heads off. We got the certificate and rushed back to the chapel. I paid the 700 dollars for the best package they could do. Britney picked it. We had flowers, video, a photographer, a pianist and a registrar. I said she should walk down the aisle on her own but Britney wanted to be traditional and so she asked the limo driver if he'd do the honour.
"I think he was a bit gobsmacked, but he did it.

I remember her walking towards me and we looked into each other's eyes. We knew there was something special between us. As we said our vows we held hands, it meant a lot to both of us.

"The registrar said I could kiss the bride and it was the most special kiss of my life.
"She kept saying how happy she was but when we got back to the room her friends didn't congratulate us, they just looked shocked."

The newlyweds went into their suite and celebrated with Cristal champagne and talked about a honeymoon to the Carribean island of Nevis.

Jason added: "I remember saying, ‘Your name isn't Spears now, it's Alexander'. We had a spiritual connection. We knew we should be together.
"We'd married just after 4am and by 7am we knew we had to phone our families. It was horrendous.
"Britney phoned her mum and I heard Lynne screaming back at her. She went nuts.


"Her brother rang and I spoke to him. He talked about annulment. I didn't know what the word meant so I didn't say anything.
"I rang my dad and at least he was fine. Britney told me to ignore her family and wanted us to run away on honeymoon straight away but we were so shattered we went to bed."

Neither the bride nor the groom had any idea of the storm that was about to engulf them.

Peck to passion

BRITNEY and Jason first met in Kentwood when they were both four. Her mum Lynne ran the local Little Rod pre-school. Jason smiled: "There was a group of us that met up and would play together and go down to Hyde Park, a waterhole where we'd swim." When Britney (pictured right at eight) joined TV's Mickey Mouse Club then became a singer Jason saw less of her but they still met up at least twice a year.

"When she came home we'd all get together," he explained. "I remember seeing her in the summer of 2000. She was with Justin Timberlake in the gym. I didn't speak to him but she came over and we chatted."

In October 2002 Britney returned to Kentwood. "This time we went to stay with her cousin in Baton Rouge and that's when we kissed for the first time," he said. "We were talking in her room and she kissed me softly. Then she straddled me and started kissing more passionately. I thought about sex but didn't pursue it, even though she wasn't with Justin then."

Last Christmas, Britney was back in town. She, Jason and a few pals persuaded a local club owner to open just for them.

"We played some of Britney's songs," he said. "And she danced with the rest of us.
"Later she came on to me again and kissed me. She has the most seductive puppy-dog eyes when she flirts with you.
"That's when she invited me to Vegas."

And his life would never be the same again.
RED HOT: 'She was a great lover'
THAT'S TORN IT: The newly weds
STILL HURTING: Jason today
DOORS TO LOVE: White Chapel
IN THE PINK: Britney cavorts on a beach. 'I'll remember our wedding night sex for ever' says Jason

Her family kicked me out of her life

NEW bride Britney and her husband Jason consummated their marriage with "amazing" lovemaking—just minutes before her furious family barged in to wreck their lives as husband and wife. And as the Spears cosseted Britney, Jason was kicked out of her life with the sneering indignity of an economy-class ticket back to his home town.

"That first time we made love in our hotel suite as a married couple was amazing," he said. "It was more special and sensual than before.
"I'll remember it for the rest of my life. There was more emotion than we had felt, more connection.
"We didn't really have to strip off because Britney didn't have any underwear on.


"It wasn't just sex, it was really deep. Afterwards we fell asleep in each other's arms."

But they awoke with a start to hammering on the door.

Jason explained: "Her brother was there with all her people. He whisked Britney into another suite and I was left with the rest of them.
"The Spears family and her business team were taking over our marriage. It happened so quickly. Next her lawyers walked in.
"Britney and her brother came back in and he said we couldn't be married, it was wrong. Then one of her team said I was ruining her career, that her tour would be wrecked and her ticket sales lost. Britney and I just stood on different sides of the room and didn't speak to each other.
"They spread a load of papers on the desk and said if I cared about Britney I'd sign them.
"It was unreal, I wanted the best for her, I wanted to be married to her, but it was as though they were just taking everything over. I was on my own. Britney didn't say anything.
"I just looked at her, she looked away, then I signed them, I didn't know what I was signing. My dad wasn't there.
"The only person I cared about in that room was Britney and they said if I didn't sign it, I was ruining her career. I had no choice and Britney didn't stop me. I signed them under duress."

The annulment papers stated Britney "lacked understanding of her actions...They did not know each other's likes and dislikes, each other's desire to have or not have children, and each other's desires as to the state of residency."

The papers added that the newlyweds realised they were incompatible.


The annulment officially took place on Monday, January 5. By then they had been married for 55 hours. But that night, convinced he could still save some part of his now ex-wife, Jason went to the dinner from hell with Britney, her brother, her friends and her staff. "It was awful," he said.

"I sat down next to her, she was crying. Everyone else was laughing about what we had done as though it was a big joke. We were treated like kids.
"I was hurt that she didn't stand up and say she wanted to be married to me. Her mum kept on ringing and saying we were acting like 12-year-olds. It was horrible.
"Towards the end of the meal her brother came over with a plane ticket and said I had to go home.
"Britney gave me a hug and a kiss and that was it."

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