Sunday, January 25, 2004

"Doubt is the dry rot of faith."

-quote from How to Know God, Deepak Chopra

Do you ever close your eyes and just listen? What do you think you would hear? I'm not talking about the outside world, like the screech of my overworked heating pipes and humming humidifier vents. I'm talking about the voice inside you. I think everyone has one of these. They call it intuition. But who says it speaks in whole sentences, jabbering constantly? I'm not talking about the fears or hopes of the subconscious. I'm talking about divinity inside you, driving you, comforting you, alerting you.

I often doubt that I even have a real intuition. Always trained to not trust my emotions. But these are not emotions. It's an actual transmitter inside you from the divine world. If you don't believe it, then be still. Close your eyes. Listen. It will speak if you will pay attention. It might take some practice quieting the distracting thoughts from the outside world. I find it quite natural to block it out, don't know why.

Things I hear it saying now.

1. You can do what you must to make a living, but you must write.

2. What you will say will help others.

3. Don't worry about the content, I've given you all the material you need. Just listen.

4. Stop writing on this blog and start on Word.

Okay, I'm out, see ya later.

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