Friday, October 22, 2004


listening to rene block, mr. latin on 89.3


movies that finally move me...
motorcycle diaries
before sunrise

UMd Stats Conference...

I hate meeting people at conferences...
I'm in this strange pageant where the only people present are some beautiful model-like but insecure women, me, and a judge who is also our trainer. We go through our training and tricks involving some kind of acrobatics, and the judge proclaims me "Miss USA." I'm surprised, but not that surprised... I tell the judge that I thought it was funny to get picked because I never even got to hang out with gorgeous people like the other models, and here I am getting judged the best. She thinks I'm being insecure and starts to reassure me, but I tell her I don't need to be. And I don't, because I know that I'm just the coolest, most intelligent, etc. person and I totally deserved it.
Ted and I are walking in front of a bank after that happened, looking in. Somehow I have privileges to something with the bank officer, but I forget what happened ... Then I'm in a car with Dad and I tell him I'm Miss USA. "Are you sure ?!" he said. He couldn't believe it because I never even told him about the pageant.
Then Ted, me and a guide are driving around on an island, perhaps a small one off of Hawaii. We stop and Ted decides to walk out and dig a tunnel into the sand with his feet. Meanwhile I notice that the tide is coming in. I realize that the sand is really volcanic ash... we are on an island that is actually a volcano all around. I tell them so. The guide confirms this. The water is coming in really fast, and the guide says he thinks there's a big storm driving the water in. I start to panic, and I called to Ted to stop digging, to hurry into the car so we can get off the edge of the island toward the safer parts... dream ends.

Monday, October 18, 2004

2nd Date w/Dave -

LOTR Extended edition @ his place
We were in 2 classrooms and in one of them teachers were preparing, meaning they were putting on clothes, skirts, etc. In the classroom next door was a group of students waiting for the teacher. Dave walked into the classroom and saw that there was no teacher, and asked where the teacher was ( or was that me?)

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Texas - Work Takes Over My Life

getting a vintage desk
find that it has sewing machine that i didn't know about at first. serendipitous becuase i had a sewing machine at home that didn't work but wanted to use anyway, but i have to get a part and i was undecided about doing that or selling it and buying a new one.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Dating Games

I thought we were having another date on Wednesday, but it didn't happen. I was so sad and Bobby said he was concerned that I feel able to tolerate abuse or neglectful behavior for hope of connection and love...
Dave Michel wrote me back saying the apt was messed up by the dog and he didn't want me to see that. It was in the Bulk email box. I showed it to Bobby who interpreted the email for me.

Simone had some nets in the beach. I wanted to go drag them out because they weren't supposed to be there. A big fish was caught in the net. I brought it to the street in front of her house, and smashed it dead with my foot. I called her to come down and to let her know about it and help me bring it to her place. She took a while, seemed she was resistant to look at the fish and was reserved in my jubilance at how big the fish was. But Bobby and she finally came down to help me. I wanted to get gloves so I could handle it and not get slimy. I found some in the lobby.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Date w/Irfan

(Dream) We were driving up broadway in his car. I was sitting in the back w/2 guy friends of ours. Irfan announces he is really way too tired to drive us back. So I get out of the car and try to flag some cabs. It's really hard because they keep passing me by or someone else steals them. I ask Irfan for some cash, and he gives me a $20. The other 2 stay in the car for some reason, but I get out and keep flagging cabs. I get so pissed off and frustrated because 2 more cabs pass me by. The last one stopped then drove away just as I approached to open the door. Everyone was fighting over the cabs.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

earliest memories

dad in pool
mom with swing
aunt's house w/gate and the cousins
boy with inside out eyelids
jill was showing me some tights she had bought - somehow i got the idea that she was pulling something over her mother. then i saw beautiful nadine on tv, and then her mother on tv with brother talking about or bragging about it. i see her later in a fancy designer boutique. she had gotten really big and fat, but carried herself in the same sexy, sultry european way she has, as if she were oblivious to her change.